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The Smart List Project (The Home Depot)

 November 2018

This is a case study of a 3-Week project with a real client during my UX Immersive program. I worked with two other teammates to collaborate and execute the design for the real stake holder "Home Depot" to redesign their existing app.

The Problem

Our client wanted us to come up with an idea to create a way to optimize the customers shopping list within their existing app. If the user is working on a DIY project what can their store do to facilitate in completing the items that a user might need for finishing there project, as well as locating the items within the store through easy search options.

Our Clients main goals were:

  •   To increase sales in the stores.

  •   Increase customer engagement.

Problem Statement

"I enjoy doing DIY projects, however sometimes I find it difficult to find the products I need in Home Depot"


Redesign their existing mobile application that allows a customizable DIY shopping list, suggestions on items and in-store virtual associates.

We began our study by going through their existing App and made comparisons with several other Apps that offers the same products and services. 

User Research

After doing the competitive analysis of several apps from companies like Home Depot, we found that most of the apps offer the same features across the board. None of the apps offer customized product suggestions or an in-store map, and the ones with a map option did not feature easy to use directions to specific products in-store. 

We sent out the survey through online.

We were looking for the answers of some of theses questions:

1.What would improve the shopping experience at Home Depot? (Maybe provide more in-store help)


2.If you can't find an item in the store, do you ask an associate or find it using store app? (Yes sometimes since they are all too busy)


3.What would you like a store to provide that would assist you in completing a home improvement project (Some suggestions on how to complete my DIY project)


4.When starting a home improvement project, what sources do you use to find what materials you will need? (Online, ask for family and friends for suggestions)

All the users stated that the biggest roadblock is not being able to find items to complete their DIY projects            This included the DIY page ----- in the Home Depot's app home page. They use online resources to find the items they need for their DIY projects. They had to wait for a long time for in store associates to come and help them.

On-sight research findings

We took the current App to a local Home Depot store and talked to some real users. We found that lot of people are familiar with the app but still are not choosing to use it.
Here are some reasons why: 

" The main page looks very busy, I find it difficult to navigate just by entering into this App".

" I really do not care about "My Store" option on the first page, instead it would be nice if I can make my product selection from here".

" What if I do not want to create an account, will I still be able to create my shopping list? ".

" Why is the shopping list at the bottom of the page?"

"The images looks a little skewed, I wish I can see slightly larger product image with better quality".

"It is hard to read with text being too small".

Our Process

We started our process by compiling all the data that we collected through our users research and began to understand the main points of Home Depot's app users were facing:  

Main Pain Points and Needs

  •  Users have a hard time locating items in the store
  • The map on the current app is not located properly within the site, it takes too many steps to get to it
  • The current in-store toggle feature is not  quickly accessible for the users
Pain Points
  • Users want an in-store map to help them locate items
  • Users prefer a simple map locator screen over voice commands or in store navigation
  • Users want quick access to their shopping list
  • Users like reading reviews of products and getting suggestions on what to buy 

Information Architecture

Ideation--Initial sketches

Lo-Fi Wireframes

We carefully selected and created some new features to reorganize the app

1.In-Store map easily accesible  for users


2.Shopping List


3.Product Selection


4.In-Store Toggle

5. Search Options

We did usability testing with our lo-fi wireframes and proceeded to create hi-fi wireframes in sketch using Home Depots initial style guide and iOS brand standards 

 Design Critique and Iterations

We had the opportunity to share our hi-fi wireframes during design critique session with our class at GA. We got really good feedback and insights of our design, everyone seemed to love the idea of having the suggested item feature on the shopping list and Auto In-Store mode. We still needed to work on the placement of the map within the app. Below are some of the suggestions that were made during the critique session: 
1. Map needs to be visible on the first page.

2. Subtotal of all the items in the shopping list.

3. Remove the mail icon on the landing page.
4. Pop ups and alerts on the items on each aisle.

5. Remove the second persona.

6. Consistency of the style color. 

Usability Testing

"I'd prefer it if the app automatically toggle to In-store mode"
"I feel that map zoom in and out buttons aren't really necessary"


On boarding before Redesign
Based on the information we gathered from the critique session and usability testing we redesigned our app and made further improvements.  
We wanted users to be able to enter the app quickly, access the products that they are looking for  and finish the checkout process with ease and minimum steps.

Smart List ImprovedOptions

1. For the convenience of the users The Smart List offers an In-Store mode option that turns on automatically once the user enters the store. Suggestions on the items that already exists in their shopping list to complete their DIY projects. In-store map on the landing page to access the location of their desired product for easy navigation.
2. Pop up coupons and sale alerts of the items on each aisle only if the user happens to be on the same aisle. 
3. Subtotal amount of items in the shopping list.
4. Easy navigation with clear layout and flow of pages. 

Hi Fi Wireframes


We were so excited to present our design to our stake holder The Home Depot team. Our client seemed happy with our design, below is what our client had to say.
 Client feedback from Home Depot (Smart List team)
"This is an awesome idea. I have so many questions ... I think the automatic store toggle is a great idea. I still can't figure out how to do that in the current app.”
-Matt Parrish, Manager, Enterprise Experience Design at The Home Depot

Future Goals

1. Improve the checkout process.

2. Bring animation in the system.

3. Bring further interactions in the design to make it more interesting for the users.

4 Clean and unclutter the design for several other tasks that already exists within the app. Continue to research for improving the design for maximum user satisfaction.

Thank You

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